Guarding our tongues
As people we love to talk with those around us and have a good chat. We like to engage in exciting conversations and have a good laugh and present our views and opinions. However, at times we let our tongues slip and slide and they utter things that they should not. Our tongues utter things that can destroy a person's self-esteem, confidence or create conflicts between others and this is why it is important for us to guard our tongues. Guarding our tongues is a compulsory act as our tongues, although having the ability to make other's feel good about themselves and can motivate them, it also can cause damages that can never be erased. When we are struck with a painful blow, it hurts and aches but the pain eventually subsides and down the track we will probably forget that we ever got hurt. However, when say things that can hurt an individual we leave them with a permanent scar, a scar no matter how much they try to forget that will remain, even if they have forgiven you. Th...