Always place your self in high regard
Placing your your self in high regard is very important. Thinking of yourself in high regard boosts your self-confidence and faith in yourself as an individual. It makes you feel proud of your self and that you have the ability and capacity to keep on moving forward. Our lives is affected by our mental state, if our mental state has doubts of our self-worth and who we are as individuals then we shield ourselves from progression and the motivation to present the real us.
Having high self-regard does not mean that you are arrogant and proud because arrogance and pride are usually used to cloak lack of confidence and hidden weaknesses. Placing yourself in high self-regard means that you do not wait for people to compliment you after completing or achieving something, rather you know that the person that needs to take pride in their achievement and hardwork is you. It means that if someone questions yourself credibility and worth you that it is not them who decide if you are a failure or a success but it is you.
It generally means that people do not write you in a dictionary and give you a meaning but you are the one who writes what you mean as a person. Usually we look for a self-worth through the lens of others, if someone did not comment on my new outfit, new hairstyle, my new car, the A+ I received then I'm not good enough. But the question is, why did you put on that new outfit or get that new hair-do or study hard on that exam, it was because you wanted to. You liked that new jacket or dress, you liked that new hairstyle and you like working hard to do your best, if someone did not recognise this does it have to change the original perceptions you had of these things?. No, it should not, you have to know that your self-worth is determined by you, other's only count when they give you good advice because they care, but today very few comment on you to give advice but rather prefer to mess with you.
So, you are the person who determines their worth and can place themselves in high regard. If you wait for others then you might as well allow them to write a book for you on who you are and what you should with your life because that is what occurs when we wait for others to comment and judge. Very few care about your well-being but others are driven by the urge to stop you, so place yourself in high regard to determine to present the real you.
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