Kids and marriage

Every parent raises wants the best for their child, however what we deem as the right thing can actually be the wrong thing. In a marriage both parents can have similar tactics in raising their children but it is not completely the same, others completely differ on the way their child should be raised and sometimes this can be a problem.
Kids’ upbringing is vital for their future because they become a product of the way you raised them. They represent your parental skills to the world and whether they do the right or wrong thing it’s a reflection of you as a parent and child raiser. Parents do have different approaches to raising their children and this can sometimes conflict as both ideas may not go in hand and hand. One parent may see that giving a child what their hearts desires makes them happy, helps them be equal to their peers and that they know that you are willing to do anything they want for them to keep them smiling. Another may see this approach wrong because the chid will become spoilt, selfish and will not learn that in life you will not get everything you desire and will find it difficult to face challenges in life.
Both parents have good intentions and feel that their way is correct, one thinking that a child needs to be happy and have what they like and another thinking about their future and that getting everything they want can diminish their capabilities on how to handle life challenges. Sometimes parents do not agree on each other’s parenting techniques and criticize each other on it which can sometimes lead to disputes and arguments. This is not good because this leads to kids siding with the parent they see that follows in their desires and give them what they want. Kids will see one as an objector to what they want and turn towards the other and have minimal respect for the one they oppose. This harms the stability of the family as this leads to conflict between and distrust between all members of the family unit and that is something we have to tackle.
The way to tackle this is to sit together as parents and discuss what do really want for your children and do you wish for their future to be. One thing for sure is that both of you want your children’s best and want them to excel and succeed. That should be the basis of your plans when talking about your kids and each of you want for them. Discussions between the both of you helps you both identify what the other is doing and to help each other in creating the right decision. However, discussions should be based on reaching the best decision and there should be acceptance of both sides and the ideas they put forth not a way of promoting why your way is right and the other being wrong.

Always remember that as long as both of you agree that on helping your child achieve their goals and giving them the tools they need to live a successful life then you will find a common ground to discuss. Parenting is a co-effort which needs both sides to combine their parenting style to create a solid pathway in raising and helping their child.        


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