Always try new things
Trying new thing and having new hobbies is very important. Trying new things allows us to learn new skills and talents that we have never known we had. We never know what we are good at until we try something new.
New hobbies also gives us the confidence to not hold ourselves back but to immediatly find ourselves confortable in new situations.
When we learn to ride a bike or swim or play a particular game, we never know we never know whether we are good at it or not. But we oftenly have pre-thought ideas of how bad we are at it or how we are going to be embarrased when we do a mistake. Mistakes are needed to reach perfection, you can't be good at something without failing and practicng over and over again. When you start to learn to walk, you fall over countles amount of times but we keep getting up until we learn to walk. The same goes for writing, our handwriting starts of shaky but through practice we get it right.
Trying something new as long as it is a good hobby and something that will benefit you long term empowers with the desire to always keep trying something new and it is also a great way to preseve time. Trying new hobbies protects you from wasting time as it allows you to do something useful and meaningful while interesting for you at the same time. So always get up and try to get your hands busy with a new hobby.
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