Is Mother's Day really Mothers day??

Every year, there is a day is set aside for us to show appreciation to our mothers. We buy gifts worth thousands of dollars that have become a symbol of our love and respect for our mothers. Once the day ends life returns back to normal and mother's aren't much of an importance to us. But why does one day of the year have to symbolise how much we love our mothers, why can't we show her how we feel about her everyday just as she did for us. 

We are the centre of our mother's world from the day we are born till the day we die and one day of the year is not enough for her to express her love to us. Of course we could not be to our mothers what they were to us but as an individual showing appreciation, love and respect is something we can afford to offer for more than one day. We offer it to people we ascribe to be close to us such as friends, colleagues and our own families. We care about our friendships and relationships with those whom we deem to be close to us but how many would say mum first and if we did do we really mean it. Do we show her the same cheery face we show to our colleagues and friends, are we more likely to get angry at her and set her aside if someone else wants us to simply because they don't like her, the answer is she is practically second to our dealings. 

But why is mum most likely to second to us and our personal life? the answer is we take her for granted. Mothers are something we take for granted, she is always there and any time we get into some mess she will be there to support us and would not kick us out. Since humans have a habit to ignore the blessings around them and take them for granted as if any blessing is their right, mothers are thrown away when we don't need her anymore. One we are independent, we forget where we come from and who was able to help us reach our dreams.

Mothers put us first, every mother has or had a dream, their dreams were similar to the things we desire in our lives but when kids came, they threw them away. They locked them away in their hearts and left them in the past never to be looked back at again but rather worked to help us fulfil our dreams . Every mother adores a good nights sleep like we do, but she lets it go when her child needs her. Every mother at times may miss the independence she had before she had kids such as going out with friends and going on holidays but gives them up to be there for her child during their happy and sad moments.

Us on the other hand are too busy, some may say that this is what mothers do and this is their role. But would you do something for someone and expect a thank you and a show of gratitude, no. We would complain and become upset if we helped someone accomplish their dreams, desire and hopes and then leave us in the dust, but that is what we do to our mothers. Just as we believe mothers have to be kind and loving, we have to be equally grateful for her sacrifices and love and one day where we make objects the symbol of our love for her does not make the cut. 

When we become parents we will see the sacrifices our mothers make and how painful at times it must be, so why not be grateful and try to understand what mothers go through before then. Mothers are an important part of our lives and it is important to be thankful, objects is not what mothers want, they want to see their child happy everyday as our happiness is her ultimate happiness. 


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