Calm down your life has a right over you part 5

         Embrace what you can do
As people we believe that we can accomplish everything we set our mind to. It is nice to think positive but this is not entirely true. We may do a lot of things but we will not accomplish all that we want to do, somethings are things we just can’t do even if we put every effort into it. We are human and we have a limit to our capacity, we are good at certain things and we are not at others. 
Embrace what you can do over what you can’t do because no matter how much you try to go beyond that limit you can’t do it. That is why it is important to be proud at your level of achievement and hold on to it. Sometimes there are things we can achieve but are too lazy or are bothered to do, then is the time where you have to get up and put effort. The reason why we must embrace our hard-work and understand our limits is because if we do not, we will start to look at others and begin to question why I can’t do this or that. We begin to feel inferior to this person and begin to feel that our life is incomplete because I can’t do this or that. 

However, if you were to look at yourself and take pride in your capabilities, you would realize that you can do so much that you are unaware of. This would decrease the amount of self-doubt you would have of yourself and lift your spirits and believe in yourself. Everyone is good at something that is why when we combine our skills we amount to something. Embrace what you can do for that is who you are and know that to keep moving forward you have to know what are your capabilities to help you make the right choices.  


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