Is being a teenager the most Challenging thing in the world part 3
If you look at a variety of Disney movies you see that parents are either not present or alive such as Frozen, and the Lion king 1 or display parental disobedience such as the little mermaid and the lady and the Tramp 2 and Lion king 2. They can even be dream killers and demotivate their kids such as Zootopia, there are many movies and cartoons which portray this separating bond between kids and parents and these subliminal messages play a bad role in how kids perceive their parents. In movies where parents are technically killed off such as Frozen and the lion king, we see young kids and a cub whom have to find their own place in the world. In Frozen for instance, Elsa has powers that turs things into ice, well you all probably have memorised the movie by now. However, her parents tell her to conceal her powers and not show them, they lock the gates and she stays in her room and probably wanted to stay in there till the end of time. What Elsa’s parents do only makes her freak o...